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Birding TX

Sat, January 14, 2012, 7:00 am
The Valley

Trip Report

This Snowy Owl was most cooperative.

The Rio Grande River Valley area in Southern Texas is one of the best birding locations in the USA. Elyse, Tom, and I did a day trip to the. Valley on Saturday the 14th of January. It is impossible to bird this area in one day. We settled on two loctions near Weslaco, TX, Estero Llano Grande State Park, a World Birding Center Site, and the Frontera Audubon Thicket.

We arrived at Estero Llano Grande at about 7:30AM, and as we piled out of the car we were greeted by a Yellow-throated Warbler, that was a good sign of things to come. We made our way to the to the Visitor's Center which contained a large covered viewing deck over looking a pond. This pond was teaming with waterfowl and shorebirds. We had no problem in spotting 10 different duck species.

We decided to take the scheduled 8:00AM bird walk lead by volunteers. Our leader for the walk was Huck Hutcheson, and he was assisted by Dave Elder and Dale Newberg. A side note here, I have found that the volunteers who support Texas Park birding in the winter months are not from Texas. These three were from Missouri, Minnesota, and Ontario, Canada. And I found other TX Park bird volunteers from Arizona and Michigan. Anyway Huck, Dave, and Dale were very knowledgable not only about birds but other wildlife and the eco history of the area. We started the walk at the viewing deck and the feeding station behind the center. With Huck leading about 25 or so birders we worked our way around diverse wetlands, grassland, and scrub. After about two hours we returned to the center. The second part of the of this outing took place in what is called the Tropical Area. The former land owner planted trees and shrubs that he had collected from all over the world. Back to the birds, this birding location was a record setting event for me. I recorded 84 species of birds. I have been birding now for over two years, and I have over 420 postings in my birding diary, and this event tops all others. And 9 of those 84 were life birds for me. They included Aninga, Red-crowned Parrot, Common Pauraque, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Green Kingfisher, Tropical Kingbird, Olive Sparrow, and Spotted Towhee.

The Common Pauraque were a treat. Huck pointed out two very hard to see birds next to the trail. In fact one of them was about 3 ft off the path, and it did not move, I mean it did not open its eyes, or move a feather. Even after a number of people including myself took really close up photos. I did ask if these birds were actually stuffed, and put out ahead of our outing. They assured me that the birds were real and alive. They also pointed out that these birds are always in the same area,and are always close to the path, and pay no attention to people.

Estero Llano Grande was a delight. The only downer was that we did not get our target birds the Rose-throated Becard.

After lunch we proceeded to near by Frontera Audubon Thicket. This site is a small area, landscaped with native Valley plants tucked into what looked like a residential area. We did not find the deversity of species like our morning outing, but this site had unique qualities of its oun. We had two target birds at this location, Golden-crowned Warbler and Crimson-collared Grosbeak. We got the Golden-crowned Warbler but not the Crimson-collared Grosbeak. The Warbler was a very rewarding experience for me. Tom and Elyse were off looking for the Grosbeak, while I was with a small group of birders looking for the Warbler. And there it was, working its way low through the trees. In fact the bird at one point was at eye level no more than 6 ft infront of me. Also to my delight Elyse and Tom got to see the bird. I do not know where they came from, but I turned around and there they were behind me.

Again we did not see the Grosbeak, but wait was not dull, we were entertained by a collection of colorful birds. We parked ourselves at a feeding station were the Grosbeak was last seen earlier in the day, and working the feeders were Buff-bellied Hummingbirds, bright Altamira Orioles, busy Inca Doves, and a very friendly Ovenbird working the leaves in the understory. But the most entertaining were the raucous Plain Chachalacas. These birds squabbled over feeders, fruit, well just about anything.

At 4:00PM we gave up on the Grosbeak watch and headed back to the visitor's center and restrooms. Now one note, Tom forgot and left his sun glasses on the bench at the feeding station. I told him not to worry, I figure there a Chachalaca running around Fontera with pair of sun glasses on humming ZZ Top tunes.

One final embarrassing note, while at the visitor's center I heard the staff mention that they were there till 4:30, no problem. I waited my turn to use the restroom, but when I came out about 4:20, the place was dark, and when I tried to get out, the door was locked, locked both coming and going. Now I know that the Audubon Society can be aggressive at time in their serch for funds, but holding people for ransom, naa. Anyway I got Elyse and Tom's attention, and after they finished laughing they set out to find someone with a key. Finally after about a 1/2 hr a very apologetic young lady let me out. I told her I was fine, and I that helped myself to some of their muffins, but I did point out that they should take to heart the signs on the doors.

Tom Glover

I photographed this Monk Parakeet near Carteret. Altamira Oriole at Fontera

Tom Glover
Raucous Chachalaca

Tom Glover
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Tom Glover

Submitted by Tom Glover

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Pectoral Sandpiper, Yellow Creek S.P., Indiana Co., PA 10/10/2017, Marg Higbee

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