April 2025 Meeting
Tue, April 1, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Blue Spruce Park Lodge
Speaker: Cheri Widzowski
Cheri Widzowski, an accomplished photographer, will be the speaker at our April meeting. She will discuss her many experiences photographing birds at Blue Spruce Park and describe some of the challenges of photographing birds, especially small songbirds. She will also share some tips for those in our group who are interested in photography. We are all looking forward to seeing some of her favorite photos, and she will challenge us to identify some of her "butt shots."
Cheris background is in environmental and biomedical sciences. With her photography, she attempts to capture the beauty she sees in the world around her, whether her subjects are people, places, or things. She enjoys documenting everything that she finds interesting! She inherited her love of photography from her mother and her father who were avid about family and travel photography. She also enjoys these, but she is most passionate about photographing nature, especially birds.
Cheris interest in birds began with an ornithology course in graduate been an avid birder and naturalist school, and now she's
for many years. Digital photography, with lighter weight cameras and telephoto lenses, has allowed her to combine her love of hiking and birding with photography. She especially enjoys the challenges and rewards of photographing small songbirds. Her favorite spot to pursue this activity is Blue Spruce Park.
Cheris professional photography work can be viewed at www.cheriphoto.com.
Upcoming Events
March 2025 Meeting
- Tue, March 4, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
- Blue Spruce Park Lodge
Yellow Creek Outing
- Sat, March 8, 8:00 am
- Yellow Creek State Park
Blue Spruce Park Outing
- Sat, March 15, 8:00 am
- Blue Spruce Park
April 2025 Meeting
- Tue, April 1, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
- Blue Spruce Park Lodge
Yellow Creek Outing
- Sat, April 5, 8:00 am
- Yellow Creek State Park
Stitt Property Outing
- Sat, April 12, 8:00 am
- Stitt Property
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