News Archive
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My Feathered Friends - Bird Portraits, Steve Gosser
Monday, April 30, 2012
Steve Gosser, Todd Bird Club member, naturalist, and photographer, is exhibiting his bird photography at the Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts, in Foxburg, PA, April 29 - May 28, 2012. If you'll be in the Foxburg area come and check it out. Foxburg is located along the Allegheny river just south of I-80. There are 56 photos on display.
Managing Young Forest Habitat Workshop
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tammy Colt, Pennsylvania Game Commission Wildlife Diversity Biologist, is holding a workshop on February 25 to get landowners interested in creating habitat for American Woodcock and Golden-winged Warblers in Somerset. See the flier for more details.
Misery Bay Provincial Park Sharp-tailed Grouse Lek Observation
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Friends of Misery Bay are sponsoring small group observations of the Sharp-tailed Grouse lek at Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport, Ontario during weekends in April. If you are interested in making the trek to the lek, visit the Friends of Misery Bay Web site.
Petition to Allow Whooping Cranes to Complete Their Migration
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Operation Migration's ultra-light aircraft have been grounded while escorting whooping cranes to their wintering grounds. They are 50 miles from their final destination, awaiting an FAA ruling in their favor. Consider signing the petition asking the FAA to expedite a waiver which would allow the ultra-light and the cranes to complete their journey.
2011 Indiana County Christmas Bird Count
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Todd Bird Club held its 29th Indiana Christmas Bird Count on December 26, 2011, with 63 people participating. The count tallied 9029 individuals of 71 species. There were more waterfowl species than usual, because of the ice-free water, resulting in the highest overall species count since 1997. The Indiana Count had record numbers of Green-winged Teals (4), Hooded Mergansers (34), Bald Eagles (3), and House Sparrows (809). The Jim Dearing award for best bird was given to John Taylor's group for spotting a Common Goldeneye at Yellow Creek State Park. View the detailed count results.
Jon Dunn Book Signing at Todd Bird Club and Three Rivers Birding Club
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Jon Dunn will be speaking on shorebirds at the Todd Bird Club’s Tuesday, December 6, 2011, meeting. At the meeting we will have copies for sale of his new book, National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth Edition, co-authored with Jonathan Alderfer. Jon will be happy to sign this book or any of his other books that you already own.
On the next day, Wednesday, December 7, 2011, Jon Dunn will be speaking at the Three Rivers Bird Club about identifying sparrows.
Daniel Winstead Receives PSO Youth Scholarship
Friday, May 20, 2011
Todd Bird Club member, Daniel Winstead, was awarded a youth scholarship to attend the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology meeting in Bedford, May 20-22, 2011. See
Lee Carnahan Wins Bid for W. E. Clyde Todd's Birds of Western Pennsylvania
Friday, May 20, 2011
As a fundraiser, the Todd Bird Club auctioned a copy of W. E. Clyde Todd's Birds of Western Pennsylvania generously donated by a Todd Bird Club member. Lee Carnahan won this historic book with the highest bid of $129.78. Thank you to the anonymous donor and to Lee for making this such a successful fundraiser. Lee will enjoy reading about the birds of our region through the eyes of an expert in the early twentieth century.
Upcoming Events
March 2025 Meeting
- Tue, March 4, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
- Blue Spruce Park Lodge
Yellow Creek Outing
- Sat, March 8, 8:00 am
- Yellow Creek State Park
Blue Spruce Park Outing
- Sat, March 15, 8:00 am
- Blue Spruce Park
April 2025 Meeting
- Tue, April 1, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
- Blue Spruce Park Lodge
Yellow Creek Outing
- Sat, April 5, 8:00 am
- Yellow Creek State Park
Stitt Property Outing
- Sat, April 12, 8:00 am
- Stitt Property
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